Want to get involved?
As well as the recreational events, projects and informal education that our programme provides, we also facilitate youth leadership opportunities. These include, but are not limited to, Hurunui Youth Council and Hurunui Youth programme leaders.

HYP Leaders (12 - 24 years)
Recruitment for HYP occurs during September and October each year so make sure you keep your eyes peeled for the chance to join HYP. #hurunuiyouth
*Applications for the 2026 team will open in September 2025.
What does it involve and time commitment?
HYP youth leaders collaborate in small teams to create, plan, and execute fun and engaging events and activities. This role requires a minimum commitment of one hour each week for planning, along with over three hours per month dedicated to attending events.
For young people who are selected as leaders that are students at Hurunui College, Amuri Area School, and Cheviot Area School, these activities or events may include lunchtime games, sports, and various engaging events. These can also be in the evenings, holidays and weekends.
For young people selected as leaders who are schooling elsewhere, homeschooled/correspondence, university or in the workforce, these activities or events may take place during the evening, weekends, or holiday breaks.
What type of events?
These events are all up to the youth leaders, but in the past, they've included BBQ's, movie marathons, road trips to Christchurch, epic team challenges, first aid workshops, formals, Easter Egg Hunts, quiz nights and sports showdowns... The fun never stops!
Is there any training?
HYP youth leaders will attend a 3/4-day training camp with a focus on whanaungatanga - getting to know one another and how to plan and lead events. Throughout the year, various opportunities for personal learning and development may emerge.
Do you need to be at school?
No, but you do need to live in the Hurunui and be aged 12-24 years.
How do i apply?
HYP Leaders apply HERE!
Don't delay, applications close 18th October 2024!
I have questions!
Please send an email to hyp@hurunui.govt.nz or text/call Kim on 027 1800 2929.
Hurunui Youth Council (HYC) (14½ - 24 years)
Recruitment for HYC occurs during September and October each year so make sure you keep your eyes peeled for the chance to join HYC. #hurunuiyouth
*Applications for the 2026 team will open in September 2025.
What does it involve and time commitment?
Serving on the Hurunui Youth Council presents a significant opportunity to impact young people in the Hurunui District. Each year, members of the HYC are assigned specific portfolios to focus on throughout the year.
You are required to be available every month on a Monday evening (dates below) at the Hurunui District Council in Amberley. Additionally, you should be prepared to dedicate an extra time each month for additional events or other Youth Council-related matters.
You will...
- You must turn 15 prior to the 1st of July 2025
- Raise your voice on matters that affect young people and champion the issues that are significant to the young people.
- Learn about the world of governance and local politics.
- Collaborate with other local Youth Councils.
- Grow your leadership skills.
- Work with HYP Leadership Team.
- Attend awesome training camps, personal development workshops and opportunities.
- Meet new people, have new opportunities, gain new experiences
2025 dates below, 5:30 - 8:00pm
- Monday 13 January WORKSHOP
- Monday 10 February FORMAL meeting
- Monday 10 March WORKSHOP
- Monday 14 April FORMAL meeting
- Monday 12 May WORKSHOP
- Monday 9 June FORMAL meeting
- Monday 14 July WORKSHOP
- Monday 11 August FORMAL meeting
- Monday 13 October WORKSHOP
- Monday 10 November FORMAL meeting
The dates are occasionally subject to change and additional opportunities and commitments will come up throughout the year.
Is there any training?
HYC Members will attend a 3/4-day training camp with a focus on whanaungatanga - getting to know one another and strengthening your leadership skills. You will also have a day training on governence and how the Youth Council works.
Throughout the year, various opportunities for personal learning and development may emerge such as cultural competency and public speaking.
Do you need to be at school?
No, but you do need to live in the Hurunui and be aged 14 1/2 -24 years.
How do i apply?
Hurunui Youth Council apply HERE!
Don't delay, applications close 18th October 2024!
I have questions!
Please send an email to hyp@hurunui.govt.nz or text/call Jo on 027 1800 4655.
Additionally, we have a full-time youth worker based out of the three Hurunui Area schools. The youth worker develops youth informed activities and events in and out of school. We look to create positive opportunities for our rangatahi that will offer ways to connect with others, build relationships, explore self-development and seek out what’s needed to achieve their best self. Get in touch with our youth worker at school or email hyp@hurunui.govt.nz to get involved or if you have ideas to share.